Salesforce Investment

Maximize  Your Return With Salesforce Managed Services

Streamlined Salesforce Support: Elevate Your Operations with Managed Services and Ongoing Support Maintenance.

Optimize ROI & Streamline Operations with Vivid GovTech's Managed Salesforce Services

As your department or agency expands, it's crucial that your Salesforce platform evolves in tandem to meet shifting operational and strategic requirements. While a dedicated team of full-time ongoing salesforce support employees plays a critical role, the rapid evolution of the Salesforce ecosystem necessitates additional expertise.
Vivid GovTech partners with you to understand your agency's goals and assess your current needs. We provide adaptable salesforce managed services & solutions that include the support of experienced, certified professionals, as well as round-the-clock assistance to simplify the maintenance of your Salesforce platform. This approach ensures that your system's growth aligns with your agency's progress, aiding in streamlined permitting, licensing, plan reviews, inspections, land management, and code compliance processes.
salesforce customization services

Post-Implementation Support

Implementing Salesforce services is an important milestone, but ensuring its successful adoption and maintaining business continuity post-transition are equally critical. State and local government agencies often encounter challenges in securing stakeholder buy-in, communicating process changes, and incentivizing internal users.
Our comprehensive post-implementation support services are designed to mitigate these issues. We provide necessary training and support, change management assistance, and even additional capacity to ensure your agency's services—such as permitting, licensing, plan reviews, inspections, land management, and code compliance processes—continue to run smoothly without the need for extra investment. With Vivid GovTech, your transition to Salesforce is just the beginning of a more efficient, streamlined operation.

Change Management

Aligning governmental procedures during Salesforce implementation necessitates buy-in from leadership and key stakeholders, especially when various departments use different technologies. Our agile-first approach comes with a clear rollout plan that includes technical considerations and well-timed communication to stakeholders at different levels. This strategy helps to navigate these complexities and seamlessly integrate Salesforce into your operations.

salesforce managed services

Capacity Augmentation

To achieve your departmental goals, particularly in the short term, our capacity augmentation service allows you to extend your team's capacity on-demand. This option enables you to leverage our diverse and flexible talent pool to meet your needs, all without exceeding your budgetary limitations.

salesforce maintenance services

Training and Support

Ensuring successful user adoption and maximum utilization of your Salesforce platform relies on a deep understanding of its features and practical user experience. Vivid GovTech's team of specialized, certified Salesforce professionals excel in providing training tailored to real-world scenarios. At the same time, we offer extensive support throughout the transition, ensuring your team can leverage Salesforce's capabilities to enhance operations in permitting, licensing, plan reviews, inspections, land management, and code compliance processes.

Salesforce Training Support

Ongoing Salesforce Support and Maintenance

Planning ongoing scheduled salesforce maintenance and upgrades, application customization, and integrations as per your requirements are key to a successful support partnership. Vivid GovTech understands this and offers ongoing Salesforce support services to ensure your business growth accelerates seamlessly.
Salesforce Ongoing Support Services

Scheduled maintenance and upgrades, customizing applications, and integrations according to your agency's requirements are all integral to a successful support partnership. Vivid GovTech acknowledges this need, crafting customized solutions that utilize Salesforce's advanced capabilities to facilitate efficient public service delivery.

Platform Upgrades and Configurations

By capitalizing on our expertise, you can rest assured that your platform stays updated with the latest releases and is configured to best suit your department's process flows. This ensures that you're always leveraging the latest Salesforce features to enhance your services.

Business Process Optimization

As your department grows, keeping pace with the latest techniques that can streamline processes becomes challenging. Our team stays updated with the newest Salesforce developments and methodologies, providing your agency with an edge in identifying improvement opportunities and staying ahead. This constant vigilance ensures that your agency remains on the cutting edge of efficient public service delivery, particularly in permitting, licensing, plan reviews, inspections, land management, and code compliance processes.

Data Migration

Modern state and local government agencies rely heavily on data to inform key decisions across a range of functions. This necessitates a seamless migration of your disparate data sources into Salesforce systems. Our strategic approach ensures that your data is accurately mapped, cleaned, and organized, eliminating the potential for duplicates or errors post-data migration. This ensures the integrity of your data and supports more effective decision-making.


Delivering high-quality, personalized public services requires integrating various systems with your Salesforce applications. Vivid GovTech facilitates smooth information flow through seamless integrations, enabling your teams to provide outstanding public service. By ensuring your systems are interconnected, we support you in meeting the diverse needs of your community efficiently and effectively.

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